Boktai GBA UV Mod

Just something I thought I'd share with the world.

So I love Boktai, but the UK isn't exactly known for it's great outdoor weather, even in the summer, so I wanted a UV light source that I could use to trigger the UV light sensor on the cartridge.

I'd seen those 'snakelights' that drew power from the link cable port back when GBAs were new but I never had the non-backlit original GBA so they seemed pretty pointless. But by swapping the white LED for a UV one I had the perfect solution.

So here's some photos of the UV snake light in action:

Here's the snakelight. I've already removed the original LED and resistor and replaced them with the UV LED. It was rather dim with the resistor so I just left it out. Someone's going to tell me I shouldn't do that.

Here's everything plugged in and in position.

As you can see I'm getting 7 bars on the Solar Gauge with the UV LED over the sensor. Those Vampires are toast. :)

Last updated 12:55am 27/01/2011 by User
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